Fresh French Beans

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    Sold By: FrutPlanet
    Last Sold  7 sold in last 6 hours

    FrutPlanet is a leading global exporter of fruits, vegetables, and spices. Want to export French beans? Request a quote, and our customer service team will engage you. 

    Pods. There are three categories of pods; Extra fine pods, fine pods, and bobby beans. Extra fine pods are tender, puffy, and seedless. They have no strings, and their diameter is less than 6mm and a length of 10cm. On the other hand, fine pods have small seeds, soft strings, and tender, puffy skin. The pods are longer than extra fine pods by about 3mm. Bobby beans are generally bigger and large. At FrutPlanet, we only source either fine or extra pods for our export customers.

    Shape: French beans are either straight or curvy with pointed ends. The length of French beans ranges between 6 and 12 cm. The pod’s skin should be smooth, and the ends should be tapered and pointed. Deformity and curling of French beans are signs of irregular watering. At FrutPlanet, we handpick and package all the beans and ensure we get rid of deformed beans.

    Colour: French beans are usually green, although a yellow variety exists. The yellow French beans are Haricot Jaune, a common vegetable in French cuisines. Green French beans can turn yellow due to a lack of water, and as a result, they lack nutrients. FrutPlanet has specialised professionals who check the beans before packaging.

    Smell: The French beans’ smell isn’t very noticeable. However, sensitive people realise that it has a faint grassy vegetal smell. On the other hand, if they’re ill-odored, whether green or mouldy, dispose them. The French beans can be green, yet they have undergone bacterial growth internally, which leads to a bad smell. Our team individually examines each bean when packaging to ensure that our customers only get quality produce.

    • french beans to order

      Fresh French Beans

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        french beans to order

        Fresh French Beans

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          Estimated Delivery: Jan 25 – Feb 21
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        Weight Loss: French beans can help you lose weight effortlessly. They offer nutritional value like other vegetables but with fewer calories and fat. Additionally, they have highly fibrous, a component that increases your food content. The fibres also protect you from constipation by improving the metabolism in the stomach. Essentially, when you eat French beans, you improve your metabolism and lower your body’s calories and blood sugar levels.

        Boosts Heart Health: French beans have lower fat and cholesterol content. Cholesterol in diets converts to fats that build up in your blood vessels, mostly the arteries. Consequentially, they reduce the diameter of the vessels resulting in hypertension, heart attacks, and stroke. French beans lower cholesterol in your vessels by having high fibre content. 

        Boosts Bone Health: French beans have high levels of minerals like vitamin K. The vitamin improves the absorption of calcium and other minerals by the body. Lack of calcium and other minerals such as magnesium leads to osteoporosis-related disorders. The condition is characterised by brittle and fracturing bones. Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K strengthen the bones and eventually reduce the risk of bone-related cancers.

        Reduces Depression: One of the major causes of depression is an imbalance of chemicals in the body, especially in the neurotransmitters. Some of these minerals that can tamper with the workings of your brain cells include norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. French beans contain vitamin B9, a chemical that reduces the production of homocysteine, which promotes chemical imbalance.

        Promotes Fertility: French beans are a good source of iron, a mineral that promotes fertility. Studies by Harvard medical school show that a woman’s fertility level is directly proportional to the amount of iron she consumes. Additionally, the beans provide folic acid, a chemical that protects the fetus against neural defection.

        Cancer: French beans have a high-level distribution of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is known to block any carcinogenic attributes that could result from grilling meat. Experts advise that people who love eating high-temperature grilled meat add in little green vegetables to eliminate the risk. French beans have a high level of chlorophyll which could do your body better than harm.


        Here at FrutPlanet, we observe health in the packaging process. Therefore, when transporting the produce from the farm, we pack them in clean plastic containers and cover them with clothing. Once harvested, French beans need a cool and dry environment. Also, the transporting boxes are highly ventilated.

        Once in our warehouse, we package the beans in fibreboard cartons. The total gross weight of the cartons and beans is about 3kg. Our personnel handpicks the French beans to ensure quality at every step. The farmers we partner with are consciously aware of our competitive scrutinising process, which explains why they are committed to providing only quality.

        Grading and Sorting

        At this stage, we factor in your specifications. How do you want the French beans?  Generally, we ensure the beans are intact, fresh, clean, and have no external deformity or harm. We get rid of any pod that could have been damaged when transporting it to our warehouse. We also ensure that the beans meet the size, colour, shape, and smell specifications.

        We grade the French beans into extra fine, fine, and bobby grades. The extra fine grade peas must be straight, tender, and have no seeds or strings. As aforementioned, the bean must measure 6mm in diameter and 10cm in length. 

        The fine-grade French beans are slightly curved with a short soft string. The diameter of the bean ranges from 6-9mm, and the length 12-14cm. Lastly, the bobby grade is large and has a diameter of about 9mm, and the length is over 14cm.

        FrutPlanet is a leading exporter of French beans, fruits, vegetables, spices, and other farm produce. We have been in the business for years, helping international customers source quality produce from farmers.  But why should you work with us?

        100% Customer Satisfaction. We don’t take shortcuts and partner with farmers who believe in quality farming. We often organise farming seminars to keep our partner farmers in the loop with new organic farming techniques. We guarantee our customers 100% Satisfaction on all orders, from French beans, mangoes, and more.

        We Give Back. We donate 10% of our profits to the community. In 2021, we joined the government’s 10% tree coverage and donated trees to our partner farmers. We commit to donating to charity organisations and offer scholarships to the community annually.

        We Believe in Organic Farming. Our farming seminars sensitise the need for organic farming. We are campaigning against the use of pesticides to control pests. Instead, we emphasise our farmers are planting pest-resistant plants.

        Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia

        How long do French beans take to grow?

        French beans take 42 to 56 days to mature. In some regions, the plant takes a little over two months before you can harvest. The timeframe may, however, vary from region to region, depending on climate conditions.

        Where do French beans grow?

        French beans are legumes and grow to a depth of about 5cm. French beans appreciate partial sunlight, shelter, and heavily fertile soil. 

        • Buy Oranges in Bulk Online Sold By: FrutPlanet

          Are you looking to buy oranges in bulk from reputable suppliers? FrutPlanet is an orange supplier that sources and helps you buy oranges in bulk. Other products we supply include Kenyan raw honeybeverages such as tea, vegetables, and macadamia nuts. We help you buy oranges in bulk online by working with farmers who believe in our values. You can request a quote for Oranges here at FrutPlanet.

          Oranges Production in Kenya

          Where are oranges produced in Kenya? Kenyan regions that produce oranges include Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, and Voi. These regions have sandy-loam soils, which support orange farming. Most Kenyan farmers produce oranges on a small scale and, therefore, partner with suppliers and exporters to sell their produce locally and globally. Kenya is a leading citrus producer with an estimated export value of 1M tonnes annually. Most oranges are produced in Kenya, and our commitment is to ensure we only ship quality to our customers. Request a quote to buy oranges in bulk today!

          Orange Nutritional Values

          Oranges are an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin C, which helps combat the formation of radicals that cause cancer. Experts insist that regularly eating oranges boosts immunity as the fruit has vitamins that increase the formation of white blood cells. Other nutrients present in oranges include fibre, potassium, Vitamin B1 and Folate. These nutrients assist your body in making collagen, a protein that makes the body smooth and heals wounds. The fibre also prevents constipation and boosts weight loss. Want to buy oranges in bulk? Request a quote from FrutPlanet now.

        • Kenyan Arabicum Exporters And Suppliers Sold By: FrutPlanet

          FrutPlanet provides high-quality arabicum flowers to export markets, including Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and Asia-Pacific. We are reputable arabicum flower exporters in Kenya, helping clients source assorted varieties of flowers such as arabicum, Gypsophillas, alstroemeria, and roses.

          We are not just arabicum flower exporters. FrutPlanet also exports vegetables, fruits, cereals, beverages, spices, seafood, etc. Request a quote to buy arabicum flowers in Kenya online.

          Arabicum Flower Farming In Kenya

          Arabicum flower farming in Kenya is a profitable venture, as it takes approximately three months for the plants to mature. Large and small-scale farmers from various parts of the country have been producing different arabicum types for export since Kenya gained independence.

          Today, Kenya is one of the largest exporters around. The country is ranked 4th behind the Netherlands, Colombia, and Ecuador.

          The Horticultural Crop Directorate (HCD) valued the exported cut flowers at USD 1.3 Billion in 2018. Exports fetched around USD 1.04 Billion and USD 596 Million in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

          At FrutPlanet, we have positioned ourselves as trusted arabicum flower exporters helping overseas clients buy cut flowers from Kenya. We hold certifications from relevant bodies, including HCD, KFC, Global GAP, and GRASP. Get a quote to order arabicum online with us today.

        • Kenyan Statice Flower Exporters And Suppliers Sold By: FrutPlanet

          Kenya is one of the world’s leading producers of flowers; some of the flowers it exports include roses, scabiosa, statice, and more. Statice flower is one of the most popular varieties in Kenya, and to buy in bulk, you need a statice flower exporter. This variety is popular because of its bright colours and captivating scent. 

          Are you looking for statice flower exporters who can handle your bulk orders? FrutPlanet is a leading flower exporter and supplier specialising in agricultural products, including vegetables, fruit, flowers, and more. You can order in bulk by requesting a quote.

          Statice Flower Exporters In Kenya

          FrutPlanet is one of the leading statice flower exporters in Kenya. We export to various markets from China, Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, and more. Statice has a slightly longer history in the Kenyan market.

          The statice flower is a long-lasting flower that’s compact and colourful. They are resistant to climate and diseases. They are mainly exported fresh or dried. Whether you’re looking for a statice flower exporter to handle bulk orders for dried or fresh flowers.

          Statice flowers originated from the Mediterranean and Central Asia. The variety and the family have over 120 species, each unique in size, shape, and colour. Initially, the flower industry exports were mainly roses. However, the formation of NGOs and self-regulating organisations, including the Kenya Flower Council (KFC), propelled other varieties in the market, such as statice.

        • Buy Bulk Carrots Online From Exporters Sold By: FrutPlanet

          Tantalise customers with high-quality, organic carrots from FrutPlanet. We are global suppliers who have made a mark in the fresh vegetable and fruit export market. Our service involves helping businesses in the food industry source and buy bulk carrots online.

          We can help grow your business with a consistent carrot supply year-round. Request a quote to buy bulk carrots online and take advantage of our great prices of carrots.

          What Is A Carrot

          What is a carrot? It is a highly nutritious root vegetable. Carrots are typically orange, but some varieties are in purple, white, and yellow colours.

          Carrot farming started in China and Northwestern Europe in the 13th century. It spread to other parts of the world during the early colonial settlement period (the 1600s – 1763).

          Over the last six decades, the world has seen an upsurge of carrots, with China, Netherlands, Algeria, Kenya, and Spain cementing their positions as leaders in the carrot export market. The root vegetable market was valued at USD 1.93 billion in 2020.

          When you want to buy bulk carrots online from top carrot-producing countries, use exporters such as FrutPlanet. Our service covers everything from sourcing to shipping fresh, organic carrots. Request a quote to order the best carrot varieties.

        • Wholesale watermelons Supplier-Buy Watermelons in bulk Sold By: FrutPlanet

          Are you looking for wholesale watermelon suppliers? FrutPlanet is a reliable supplier of fresh watermelons. We have fulfilled global and local orders for years while guaranteeing customer satisfaction. You can order our fresh watermelons by requesting a quote here!

          The Ultimate Watermelon Suppliers

          There are a dozen watermelon suppliers, but one of the leading companies is FrutPlanet Exporters. FrutPlanet supplies fresh watermelons globally and is the exporter of choice for many businesses worldwide, not by chance. We have designed our business model to be customer-centered. Here’s why you should work with us:

          100% Customer Satisfaction: When you order watermelons in bulk, we stand by what we supply, unlike most suppliers. Our aim here at FrutPlanet is to meet your expectations.

          Organic Farm Products: We are pioneers of organic farming methods in Kenya and beyond. That’s why we have made it our creed to partner with farmers who practice what we preach, organic farming

          You can order our watermelons in bulk by requesting a quote on our website. We guarantee you only quality products.

          Watermelon Production in Kenya

          Watermelon production is arguably one of the most popular farming ventures in Kenya. This fruit performs well in warm Kenyan regions with high rainfall. Watermelon production regions in Kenya include Machakos, Makueni, Coastal regions, etc. Most Kenyan farmers in Kenya are small-scale farmers. When you order watermelons for sale from FrutPlanet exporters, we source the products from these farmers and handle the logistics.

        • Buy Cuttlefish Online From Exporters Sold By: FrutPlanet

          FrutPlanet is a prominent supplier in the fresh seafood export industry. Boasting a vast network and immense resources, our company can help businesses source Molluscs, such as cuttlefish and squid, more efficiently to save money. Whether you want to buy cuttlefish online one time or need a constant supply, we can meet your bulk export needs.

          Where To Buy Cuttlefish

          Using certified and reputable exporters like FrutPlanet is the most convenient way to buy cuttlefish online from countries selling cheaply. Some nations have mega coast regions and well-established aquaculture farms, producing tons of cuttlefish and squids for export. 

          In line with that, the main cuttlefish and squid exporting countries include Spain, France, Morocco, India, Burma, Netherlands, and China. The world market recorded US$ 346M in cuttlefish and squid sales in 2020. Industry insights show that the global cuttlefish and squid market size could be at least US$ 11.6 Billion by 2025.

          When you want to buy cuttlefish online from these leading producers, don’t let the logistics trouble you. Partner with FrutPlanet to conveniently buy sea-sourced or farmed-raised cuttlefish and squid through an extensive network. All our seafood is thoroughly tested and HACCP-certified for international export.

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