High quality bulk honey

The Importance of Sourcing High-Quality Bulk Honey

As a small business owner, you understand how vital the profit margin on your products is. But how do you increase the profit margins without hiking the markup price? Buy in bulk honey.  Most suppliers, including FrutPlanet, can help source bulk honey at a lower cost. But apart from profits, quality is critical. Sourcing high-quality […]

Raw Organic Honey Vs. Regular Honey

Raw Organic Honey Vs. Regular Honey: What’s the Difference

Honey is a versatile household staple that has numerous nutrient-rich benefits. Also, it has many physical qualities, including a golden appearance, sticky texture, and sweet taste, and we cannot overstate its usage.   The market offers two types of honey: regular honey and raw organic honey. What distinguishes raw organic honey from regular honey, though? This […]

What's the Price of Honey

What’s the Price of Honey

Honey has enormous health benefits and is often recommended by doctors. Its benefits are what make the product on demand and pricey. However, the price varies with region. Therefore, honey wholesalers need to understand the price of honey in different areas to be sure where to source and export from. If you’d love to export […]

Steps to Buying Organic Honey Online

Steps to Buying Organic Honey Online

Today, honey is readily available in most places. But of the two types of honey available, organic honey is considered superior because of its high-quality standards. They do not contain chemicals and pesticides used to treat the bees and the plants. Besides being an alternative to refined sugar, organic honey has numerous health benefits. It […]

Top Honey Exporters in the World

Top 5 Honey Exporters in the World

Honey has been around since Stone Age. People used it as medicine and a sweetener. Today, honey remains the most popular sweetener in the world. Honey has become integral to many cultures worldwide. In many places, people use it as a delicacy and ingredient in most dessert recipes. However, factors like the location or seasonality […]

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